

After WWII

France After WWII-
         After WWII more then 400,000 buildings in France had been destroyed and an estimate of 350,000 civilians had been killed and another estimate of 250,000 military deaths. Germany made France a living hell. They made the French population starve and many civilians were very sick and France would have to continue rationing their food until 1949. Two thirds of kids were suffering from rickets (A disease that makes children's bones very weak) and one child in ten didn't survive childbirth. France's industrial and agricultural production had been cut by at least 60% and the supplies that was available could not be easily distributed because half of France was still covered in mines. Most of the help came from De Gaulle's government. They put in place a massive nationalization program which funneled a investment into heavy industry, finance, energy and transport sectors.

The People That Resisted-

The civilians that resisted the Nazis that occupied France were celebrated and promoted by some governing class that needed to find positives to lift public morale. These people were called the resistance hundreds of thousands of them helped the allies by hampering the Nazis as much as they possibly could. The French government recognized 220,000 resistance fighters. The resistance fighters fulfilled missions such as protecting allied soldiers who were behind enemy lines, providing Intel/intelligence to the allies, and they damaged the Nazis logistics by publishing underground pamphlets and newspapers before and after d-day. All resistance fighter put themselves at risk to complete these missions. If a resistance member was found not only would he/she be executed but anybody that was around when the person was captured would die with him/her. 

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